
智慧交互黑板 清大(TDVC)智慧交互黑板是一款集纳米触控、液晶显示、电脑主机于一体的 高度集成化的智能互动教学设备。它与当今最前沿的操作系统 Windows7/8/10 完美结合,实现了十点纳米触摸;采用无尘化设计方案,可直接书写,实现环保、 健康的教学要求;同时,可以本真地、自然地对图片、视频、网页、文档等进行 缩放、旋转和批注等操作,实现简洁,高效的教学方式。灵活多样的授课内容和方式展示在学生面前,既减轻了老师的压力,又提高了学生的学习兴趣和成绩。一片式平面设计,诠释着大气、简约之美。

Smart Interactive blackboard
Tdvc intelligent interactive blackboard is a highly integrated intelligent interactive teaching equipment with nano touch, LCD display and computer host. It combines perfectly with the most advanced operating system windows7 / 8 / 10 to realize ten nanometer touch; adopts dust-free design scheme, can write directly, and realize the teaching requirements of environmental protection and health; at the same time, it can scale, rotate and annotate pictures, videos, web pages, documents, etc. authentically and naturally, to realize simple and efficient teaching mode. Flexible and diverse teaching contents and methods are displayed in front of students, which not only reduces the pressure of teachers, but also improves students' learning interest and performance. A piece of graphic design, interpretation of the atmosphere, the beauty of simplicity.